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Updated: Aug 4, 2021

We would like to acknowledge the pain and grief our Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community is feeling after the horrific killings in Georgia last week.

As non-Asian practitioners of acupuncture, BAC and our community of patients and volunteers benefit tremendously from East-Asian culture and knowledge. We acknowledge our privilege in being able to share this medicine with you without experiencing micro-aggression, harmful biases, hateful racism and violence.

These murders again bring to light the deep rooted racism, xenophobia, white-supremacy, and misogyny in our culture. While the pandemic has certainly increased Anti-Asian sentiment in our communities, this is not new. Please join us in learning from the AAPI community about the history of Anti-AAPI violence and how we can take action against it in support of AAPI lives. Our hearts are with the families and loved ones of the victims of this tragedy: Soon Jung Park (박순정), 74. Hyun Jung Grant (김현정), 51. Soonja Kim (김순자), 69. Yong-ae Yue (유영애), 63. Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33. Paul Andre Michels, 54. Xiaojie Tan, 49. Daoyou Feng, 44.

Ways you can support the AAPI community:

*Come together in vigil for Asian American hate crime victims tomorrow, March 23rd at 6:30pm at the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial:

*Listen to the words of joy and struggle from Rep. Sue Chew for Idaho Legislature, our District 17 Idaho State Representative, shared with us by Inclusive Idaho:

*Learn about and support the work of Stop AAPI Hate:

*For those who have the means, donate to victims and families of AAPI hate and/or grassroots organizations working to #StopAsianHate :

*Learn one piece of Anti-Asian history in our own back yard:

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